April 24, 2009

We're famous!!

We're in a magazine!!! This is coming from a girl who has never been published once! Not even when I was a baby...Ya know, when you're a baby and you get your picture in the local paper and your usually jazzed up in your best looking new born outfit:p Ya, not even then...lol...So I was really excited when I opened up my first edition of Military Spouse magazine and saw this picture of Robert and I on our wedding day there! I found this magazine through my sister and subscribed to it after getting on their website and thinking it was pretty neat! The editor had posted a comment about wanting pictures of military newly weds and so naturally I sent some in! I never imagined that our pictures would be picked and had actually forgotten about it, until yesterday! Who else thinks this is pretty neat:p Also, do any of you read Mil Spouse?

Just thought I'd throw this in there; its another video I captured at Roberts graduation...I liked what they had to say and the way they say it, with such pride....Kind of gives me the chills:)


  1. Very cool! Nope, I don't read it. But, that is still neat :)

  2. Congrats on hubby's graduation! How cool that you got featured in the magazine!

  3. Nice!!!!!!! I've never heard of or read it but I'll have to check it out!!! Go you!

  4. Awww that is AWESOME!!! Save several copies for the grandbabies too don't forget!


  5. Congrats that is so awesome!! I didn't know they had a magazine but I think I am going to check it out and maybe subscribe!

  6. That's very exciting!! I've never been published either... A girl can dream though. ;-)

  7. I usually buy the magazine so I'll have to look for you. How neat!

  8. Um i would have lost it! That's too exciting! I've never heard of the magazine.. but i'll have to check it out

  9. How awesome!! I do read it and it's a great magazine! I'll have to look for you! Can I get your autograph :)


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