February 8, 2013

Fitness Friday (Wks 4-5)

Holy crap, it's Friday again! I didn't get the chance to link up in last weeks Fitness Friday with Kelly and Lins so I'll be combining 2 weeks worth of accountability here. This makes 5 weeks, where I have linked up and stayed with a certain amount of fitness and healthy eating. Yay me! I definitely had success with doing something active each day in week 4, save Sunday. However, I could have done WAY better in week 5. I mean, I literally fell off the fitness map this whole week. Sure, I kept moving with long brisk walks pushing my daughter. And I managed to stay on track (mostly) with healthy food choices and the scale never went up... But I didn't visit the gym once, didn't go rock climbing once (my climbing partner was out of town) and I certainly didn't supplement with an at home workout! I blame this bad week on myself, firstly, but also on my daughters freak outs at the gym daycare and good'ol mother nature arriving right on time, as usual. UGH...

A lot of you who know me, know that I'm really enjoying my time at the gym. However, my 11 month old daughter (turning 1 years old next week!) is fighting major separation anxiety, so my workouts are becoming shorter and shorter when I do go. This week I felt defeated before I even got there, which is the reason I didn't visit the gym once... Getting us both ready, only to leave 15 minutes later didn't seem like an efficient use of my time and felt like, whats the point? I'll only sweat for 15 minutes, worry about her the entire time while looking over my shoulder for her teacher, then feel frustration when the teacher does show up, over wanting my time, but also wanting to be a good mom and questioning myself, once again, whether or not I'm doing the right thing by taking her...Sigh. I'm Love Love L.O.V.E.I.N.G the gym, sweat, sore muscles and focus I get by going but this makes me really sad for her. And it's taking away my joy of being active and healthy when it requires forcing her through fear of me leaving. I NEED TO AND WILL MOVE ON THOUGH! This is good for us. Right?? I'm thinking this week is a NEW week and a good time to try it again. Just pray this gets better!

Anyway. I didn't cook anything spectacular in weeks 4 or 5, so no pictures of yummy recipes to share. Sorry guys! But here is my fitness wins, over week 4 with week 5 missing because, it was a complete miss, ha!       

Saturday~ 3.1 mile Color Run. TOTAL blast and a fabulous run! Sunday~Rest is good too:) Monday ~30 minutes on the elliptical (easing SugarCube back into the gym daycare, which didn't go well) Tuesday~30 push ups, 60 sit ups, 90 squats, 120, lunges, 150 jumping jacks, 3 minutes of wall sits (at home. I couldn't handle SugarCube crying at the gym, 2 days in a row)Wednesday~30 minutes on the elliptical, 2.5 hours of rock climbing ( I always hesitate putting climbing down as a workout. Because it's more fun then anything! But it really is a smoker. An entire body workout where you wake up so sore the next day) Thursday~2.5 mile brisk walk pushing a stroller  Friday~ 3 mile run


I promise to spice things up next week and have a kick-ace 7 days of fitness to report!


  1. Lol it's funny that you bring up the daycare at the gym. I think some of my first memories involve being in the "playroom" (I don't even remember there being any adults in there back then ha!) and all of the bad 80's tunes playing in the background. Well, it's was the 80's...

    Go get it girl and I think climbing always counts! It's tough!

  2. I don't have kids yet, but I know that so many women have this same problem. Thank you for sharing and linking up! I'm so excited that you've been motivated to be more active for 5 weeks now. I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred yesterday and fully intend to do to the 30 day challenge. It might be something you can do at home while Sugarcube sleeps. It's only a 25 minute workout and you only need small weights. I wish I could rock climb!


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