After R and I married back in December, (I) moved to Georgia where the hubs had already been living for the past year and a half. Apparently there are some of you who have been here at one time or are headed this way soon. There's: Megan over in Army, Alaska, Life who lived here before their move, Sarah over at Dance Shoes and Combat Boots who is stationed here for just a minute, pssssst... she is hiding her dog in a carpet bag:p and An American in Italy whom I regret to say her name I do not know, but I have looked, I swear:p Just nice knowing that I'm not alone down here and that there have been others!
Moving on, today is mine and R's three month mark! I never used to be one of those girls that kept track of how many months or weeks you had been dating but for some reason its important to me now...I'm sure y'all (Mrs.) don't judge me:p Some of you have asked about whether or not R is deployed like many of yours are. My answer is no, however he is away from me and has been for six weeks now. He came down on Drill Sgt. orders not long before we were engaged and had to to leave for South Carolina to complete the training four weeks after our wedding. I am fortunate that he gets to drive down most weekends though to visit. In fact he is coming in tonight so I've been racing around the house shining faucets and chasing after the dust bunnies:p I won't be experiencing the the many moves that I hear are so frequent in the military, anytime soon, due to his current orders. So it looks like we'll be here for at least 2.5 years if not longer. They're already talking about extending his contract for another year, boo!
After looking non stop for 1.5 months I finally got a job working as an assistant manager. I have very little higher education underneath me so this was a good find! I had plans of returning to school last fall but then R proposed so it has been put on hold. I will definitely be returning for my degree in early childhood education K-6th though. Gosh, I feel like I'm boring y'all all ready:p I'd share my peanuts to get you through the misery but...
I fill my days with work, going to the gym, swimming when its nice, walking, hating on my cat and of course lots and lots of Internet QT to keep up with family from all over. I have many little idiosyncrasies that is the making of me. I've seen y'all write posts on little random facts about yourselves so maybe I should do the same:p I need to hit the shower and go to the store. There is no food for the poor hubby to eat and when he gets hungry, I will catch you chica's later! Happy Friday!

Drill Sgt... that's a good gig! No chance of deployments (i think??). As far as you guys not PCS'ing any times soon, you may be right but I wouldn't hold your breath. Something that I've learned (being around the military my entire life -- I was a 'brat', then married my very own GI JOE), there is always a possibility of anything happening. You really learn to be flexible and roll with the punches, bc something in this life will ALWAYS surprise you- irregardless of what you're told.
ReplyDeleteYou two have LOTS o fun!!! this weekend ;-)
Hey Becca. Well don't let other people's failures put stress on your marriage! I don't know if you not working is an option for you guys right now, but maybe if you guys can afford that, then you'll be able to spend time together in the evenings. Or if you can find a job working day time than you'll have time together in the evening. I know on days that Kevin would be up before 5AM for PT, and not be home until after 8 or 10 (whenever they may let him leave) was better than now. Sleeping alone sucks!
ReplyDeleteSomething that I have been trying to get through to someone else in my life (not that you need me to get this 'through' to you), is that you have to be thankful for whta you do have. and even on days that it's hard, be thankful thta you have him in your life at all. And know that if he could be with you more he would be.. it's not you, and it's not his choice -- it's simply just the Army. Be thankful for each other and be thankful for the time you do have "together" even if it is him crawling into bed with you after you're long asleep. Find fun ways to communicate with each other... leave notes in his lunch/coffee cup (if he'll see it before pouring the coffee... lol), or on the mirror, text msgs, ect!
Stay positive!
It's nice to learn a little more about you! You're not alone, I have not finished college either. I went from two years of college to wanting to be a hairstylist and the rest is history. I really want to finish but there are no English speaking schools in our area. So for now, I am looking for a job as we speak, but do hair on the side.
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice that your husband can drive home to see you on the weekends and will be back home for good soon! You guys have a wonderful weekend together, enjoy it and have tons of fun!
Just stumbled across your blog and i think I'll have to become a follower :)
ReplyDeleteIs your husband just in training right now for drill sgt? Or is is actually doing it already? I'm wondering bc my husband is actually in basic training at Ft. Jackson.. I know it's a big place.. but you never know!