January 27, 2010


So tonight I tried my hand at yoga for the first time... And I'm really upset to say that, "I HATE IT!" Is this normal? Is 1.5 hours of yoga also normal? Sitting down to reflect on why, exactly, I hate it I've come up with this...I simply do not have the attention span to sit, stand, squat and pose for 1.5 hours!!!! I felt like such a five year old tonight...I even tried making the atmosphere...Lite candles, dark room, calm the mind...Annnnnnnd, nothing...Yup I still hate it! I really wanted to be a yoga chic...I REALLY DID! They just seem so neat, centered and clam. Sigh...But alas, this is one thing that's just not my cup'o tea... P90X wants me to do this once a week, so instead of the 1.5 hours I'm going to shoot for 30 minutes (just because I know the stretching is good for me) then do something else, like kick boxing!!! It was kind of cool, however, to learn that I'm challenged and cannot sit still...God love me:) And I always thought I was the calm, boring one...


  1. Ha! And I thought it was only me! I'm not sure if it's my ADHD or what but all the cute yoga wear and mats and DVDs in the world cannot motivate me to breathe a certain way for over 15 mins. Don't worry it's not you at all :)

    (P.s. Pilates is slightly faster and just a tad less boring if you wanted to try that.)

  2. I'm not a big Yoga fan either. I didn't think I'd like Pilates when I first tried it, but I like it MUCH better than Yoga! I've actually been doing a Pilates Fat-Burning cardio workout, and it's really hard, but it's completely different from the usual Yoga/Pilates stretching.

  3. Heck no your not the only one... I left during my very first yoga class and looked at the instructor like what was up with that. I found that I do way better with Zumba, I love to dance and move and looking like a dork is the last thing on my mind. Be settled knowing there are many of us out there that think the whole centered thing is not a happening thing!

  4. I HATE the yoga video! Hanging upside down is murder on me. So, no, you are not alone :) I prefer Pilates.

  5. Seriously I'm the same way I tried it once and was fidgeting the whole time..I just can't get into it.

  6. Don't feel bad, I HATE yoga too! All my friends love it and I always thought I was weird!

  7. Meh - Hate it if you must. I am not a fan at ALL when it comes to yoga. If I am going to workout I want to feel pain - Not relaxation. Plus, I always laugh.

  8. Haha.. a couple of my friends here have been trying to get me to go to a yoga class on post and you just confirmed my suspicisions that I would not be a fan. I may still end up trying.. but I can't see myself enjoying it! I am, on the other hand, really wanting to try Zumba!

  9. I'm with you girl! Yoga was just far too boring for my liking!

  10. An hour and a half is really long! I go to a class that is an hour and that is far long enough for me :) Good luck!

  11. I'm not a fan of it either. I don't have the patience for it.

  12. Takes way more patience than you would think...



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