August 9, 2009

Show Me Some Magic

Gosh, I had NO idea that planning a family vacation could be such hard work!!! I am seriously sweating bullets over here from my labor...PHEW! One week solid on the computer I spent clicking, searching and reading my way into a frenzy trying to find the perfect place to stay during our Florida trip. Well I finally found it today! Now I'm just waiting for the Pay Pal request for the down payment. I'm assuming I haven't received it because the owners live in the good ol' land of crumpets and tea *England* where the time difference is at least 9 hours I'm sure...I am so E.X.C.I.T.E.D about this vacation! It will have been six months since I saw my family last which might not be much to some, but to me...Well as you all know, I am very close to my family. I have been having bouts of (missing them) a lot here lately...We'll be hearding out four days after my sisters wedding which I'm still not thrilled about destined for Orlando, FL where magic is promised to happen... For those of you who are not thinking Disney World, get your heads out of the gutter:p We are staying in one of Orlando's newly built luxury resorts with an enormous pool, king size beds and Egyptian Cotton sheets...Pure bliss if you ask me! Now all I have to accomplish is boarding for Bella during the trip and wait the 60 days until we leave!!!

Tomorrow is my day off so I plan to catch up on as much blogging as I can...Heck I might even post again tomorrow:p I've really been missing you all and hating that so much has been written that I haven't been able to read! ARGH...Love you guys! Please don't think I have forgotten about you all...To each and everyone that has me as a follower on your blog; I DO visit your page. I SWEAR! I don't always comment, this you know, but I do care and I do enjoy reading about your thoughts and life:) Bare with me and before you know it, all will be back to normal...

Catch you beauty's later;)


  1. SO we have so much in common, LOL! Hubbys in the military, running, and family in FL! My parents are in Port Orange( near daytona beach) My brother is a sheriff for Sanford! How cool, its like we're related.LOL im such a dork!!!! Anyways, YAY for vacations! Disney is great for the kids, sadly to say Ive never gotten to experience it kid-free. Ahhhh maybe one day! :) Anyways, have a great day and thanks for the comment girl!

  2. Yup, there's a reason they call it the Happiest Place On Earth!! We LOVE Disney. We went there for our honeymoon, our first anniversary, and are going again for our second anniversary. They see you are on your anniversary or honeymoon and help you keep it as romantic and about you as possible. Anyway, so ends my commercial :)

    Sounds like you've found a great place to stay, I hope it all works out for you, and you make a lot of really good memories.

  3. That does sound like a lot of work, poor thing! But it will be worth it!=)

  4. aww... yeah, I miss reading your updates. But I totally get that life needs balance. Being with your husband when you can be is important and giving mrs. Bella the attention that she needs is also very important! So you do what you need to do. :)

    Your vaca sounds great! :)

  5. England! I love that place! I hope you have fun on your family vacation!

  6. How long will you be gone? I can watch Bella for you if you want. :)

  7. Hey there- yeah its definitely not a problem... Zak will be gone at that time, so I am sure I could use the extra company, and I won't be going home yet so it should work out fine. :)

    I'm sure she will be potty trained by then, haha.

    I am definitely going to that meetup, I can't wait to finally see you again- its been way too long!

  8. I agree, planning vacays can be so stressful, but it's all worth it in the end when you finally get there! Sounds like your trip is gonna be great!

  9. You are going to have a BLAST!!! Good luck with all of your planning... you'll need a vacation after all of it :)

  10. Oh my gosh, you guys are going to have so much fun! I know you're thrilled. I completely understand how hard it is being away from family. My family is all very close as well and it is so hard being away. You'll have a fantastic time together.

    Glad I was finally able to stop by and say hello! Hope you're doing great ;)


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