September 27, 2012

Weekend Retreat!

This is where you'll find me come tomorrow!
SunCadia Resort in Cle Elum, Washington!!!

Have any of you other MilSpouses been to a Strong Bonds Retreat before? What was it like? Are they all the same? How is the free childcare?

I'm really excited for this retreat but I'm having a mini panic attack over SugarCube being placed in childcare while there. Ekk! We've only ever allowed close family to watch her so I'm freaking out! However, the hubby and I really need this. With R's deployment breathing fire down our backs and causing SO MUCH STRESS, we could use a time out. In addition, having a baby is terrible for keeping the romance and connection a live in your relationship. We love our daughter so much but it's time we start being a little selfish and taking time for one another again. I know what your thinking though, because it's what I'm thinking... This is a fine time to be trying the "moves" on one another again. With a short month'ish left before R leaves, I can't really say how much progress we'll make...Which makes me nervous. I hate the thought of him leaving with gaps, big or small, in our marriage. It's so frusterating trying to work things out over internet chatting and skype. But then, sometimes I think distance is a good thing because communicating is all you CAN do, which always makes bonds stronger...At least in my experience.

What about y'all?
Please tell me we're not the only couple with mending to do, after the baby arrived...And if we are...just lie, haha!

Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend while I'm gone! I'll be back with pictures, hopefully singing the praises of the resort, the free childcare and the marriage seminar!!!  

September 26, 2012

7 Months

Oh my goodness, where to start! This has been, by far,  your busiest month yet SugarCube! 

You're closer to eight months at this point and just full of lil' personality... Some of this new personality is fun but other parts... Well, Mama's going to need to keep an eye on:) 

You've hit some major mile stones this month SugarCube. Like CRAWLING, sitting unassisted as well as picking up and placing small snacks in your mouth! I can't get over how quickly you developed these new skills. One minute your struggling to sit up on your own and the next, your crawling! You figured the crawling thing out last night, right before bed. You'd been having trouble with moving your hands after your knees but the new amber bead bracelet mommy had on your wrist solved that. You'd zone in on your "bling" trying to grab it by moving your hand. After only a few tries, you figured out that moving your hand eliminated the face plants you'd come to know well. Such a smart girl!! Daddy was at work during this but don't worry, mommy took a video of it and sent it to him. He was so proud and cannot wait to see you in action himself!

Mommy has a hunch that your next mile stone will be your first word. Your baby-babble is less slobbery "raspberries" these days and more like mutated words. Just yesterday I swear I heard you say "da" as I was changing your diaper! I would be over the moon if that was your first word. Daddy is leaving us soon to go play in a HUGE sandbox (a lot like the one you'll have one day) and it would make him so happy to hear you say "dada" before he leaves. So lets keep working on that one. Okay!

As for your growth. You had your 6 month well visit, closer to your 7th month, and the diagnoses was, you have a big noggin, fat feet and huge pupils! Your feet are so plump that the Dr. couldn't get your vitals there and had to use your wrist instead. Apparently your pupils do not dilate to small pin points either, when bright light is shone into them, however that isn't effecting your sight at all. And for your large melon, well... Dr Walsh was concerned at first and insisted on remeasuring but urns out you just had major cranial growth in 2 months. You tipped the scales at 15 lbs (just a lil' peanut) but measured long at 26"! Everyone we meet in public remarks how tiny you are, which they're really saying your petite. And I guess they are right. You have the smallest features, but then mommy did too when she was a baby. Your lips are so tiny and perfect and your nose is just the sweetest little button on a perfectly soft, angular face. I look at a lot of babies your age and most of them have you beat in the chub department. Equally adorable! But I think it's safe to say, with mommy's petite frame and daddy's height, you were never going to be a chunky delight:)  

Daddy and mommy have decided your a pretty serious baby. Don't get me confused. You love to smile  those gummy grins and giggle when mama plays "tickle bug" but most of the time you have this serious look plastered on your face. A lot like the expression above. I used to worry this meant you weren't a happy baby. That I wasn't smiling or laughing enough to teach you the same. But I've since revoked that thought. I had to think back when I was a kid. I was pretty serious too and still am, to a point. Why I used to work as a waitress but had to quit. Tips were terrible because of it! I'd be so focused on tasks that I would forget to smile and talk. Mommy's boss was always correcting that. Why, even daddy adopted the name "Serious Sam" as a kid because of his focused brow. So you see baby girl. You are a perfect replica of the people who love you the most!  

Some fun growth markers: You're currently in size 3 diapers and size 2 shoes. Most of your shirts and onsies are 6-9 months but your pants are always 9-12 months; you have some serious long legs! Your really in need of your first hair cut but mommy thinks she'll just pull it back until you can sport a cute ponytail. Those are the cutest on little girls. I can't wait! 

You've pretty much taken control of the mother ship, known as solid foods. I make no mistake who is calling the shots. You've never been a huge eater but with 21 ounces of formula a day, being your cut off, you really don't have room to refuse your milk! However, you can and do! Mommy tries to withhold your gooey puree to work your formula in, but your demands for bananas, avocado, carrots, pears, green beans, etc usually win. Just today you got hungry around 5:00 p.m. I could hear your belly growling and it sounded like an empty drum. I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to sneak an extra 6 ounces of milk in but you threw a fit! We're talking, crying, thrashing, wiggling, clamped gums, the whole nine. The minute I gave in and sat you in your Bumbo, you quieted right down and waited patiently as I unthawed your food. It was funny and frustrating, all at the same time! You proceeded to eat 3 cubes of carrots, 2 cubes avocado and 2 cubes applesauce along with a handful of apple cinnamon puffs. Wow. I don't know what to say. I guess you and I are in for a magical dance baby girl. 

Oh joy! 

On the other hand, I really couldn't ask for a sweeter natured baby. You barely cry except when you're hungry and sleepy. You have such a gentle spirit and an even gentler touch to go with it. You love mommy's hair, the doggies fur, the cats tail and daddy's chin scruff. You treat each thing as if it's a fragile potato chip, and you're in fear of breaking it. It's the sweetest thing! Sweetness over load dos; your new game of "wake up mommy." I've been rocking you to sleep a few nights a week and to demonstrate, I close my eyes first. You love to take your lil' baby hand and softly brush it over my eyes, as if to say "wake up mommy!" When I open my eyes, you give me the sweetest smile and we play all over again. I know. Not the best way to get you to sleep;) But it's so fun seeing you create and initiate a game at 7 months! I can't resist...

In short. You are perfect SugarCube. Mommy and Daddy are so in love with you and love watching what each month brings. We couldn't ever imagine knowing a life without you, void of this deep love. We'd do anything to keep you safe and feeling cherished and so far, I think we're doing a good job:) Looking forward to the day when you give hugs and say things like "I love you" but until then, the smiles and soft gleam in your eye is enough:)



Mama and Dada

September 25, 2012

Mumble Mumble, Deployment Rumbles

I feel there is SOOOOOO much I could blog about these days, that it gets truly overwhelming! So instead of dumping on the ol' blog and using it for it's purpose, I don't. ha!

I blame life right now. Which is seriously coming at us all too fast these days.
I feel like I'm living in a bubble of denial because if I don't, I'd barely have time to sneak a breath of air!

I've mentioned the rumblings of a deployment on here before but since it's officially upon us and (no seriously. I can feel it combing the hairs on the back of my neck, as it passes)  I'm more then feeling the effects of it: stress, anxiety, lack of sleep,  emotionally wanting to spend and then there's the obvious 1,000 moments of neediness I experience in a day. You know what I'm talking about ladies. "Honey, I need a hug, a kiss, a foot rub. Can we snuggle? Pillow talk? Do you love me? Do I make you happy?" Crazy laughter, then crying, then eating...Must I go on! Phew...Poor hubby!

I'm really trying to not allow my anxiety to over run what little time we've left, but it's hard y'all! Everyday I take mental pictures of my lovers smile, laughter, presence in our home and the feel of him sleeping in our bed but even those things send me into a UGLY-SAPPY-SAD mess...

 That's why, it's probably a good thing, the decision was made for SugarCube and I to move in with R's folks, in Arizona. I was going to be all independent and tough and stay. We have a nice house (rental) in a cute but large neighborhood (so excited for Halloween) that I could really see myself making a go of it here. But, I haven't made that many friends in a year (I'm so bad about that) and being a stay at home mom with no "responsibilities" or excitement to pass the time, didn't make it ideal to stay. However, I could have and would have found a way to spice up our life and pass the time, i.e go back to work part-time, join a gym, take a college class etc... However, it really came down to finances and R's peace of mind that his girls would be taken care of.

It's not all about the money, although we will save a TON and basically be debt free in 9 months. I really am excited! I get along GREAT with my in-laws. They are seriously the best people and I'm so blessed to have them. I also love my sister in-law. She's really out going and fun. The perfect pal for a time when I'll need distractions:) But the biggest perk is, I'm over the moon excited for SugarCube to have her Grammy G, Grampa G and Aunt Suzi so near. I loved growing up with my grand-parents down the walk, so if I can give that to Alyssa, I want to. Even if it is for a short time.

So! We're moving!

Bring on the boxes, packing tape, utter craziness of an 8 month old, 2 large dogs, a cat and of course, the 1400 mile road trip! Did I mention I'm doing this sans hubby? The only thing we're packing before he leaves is his garage. The rest of the house is mine. I guess I'll be earning my mil-spouse wings in true fashion!

Here's to the next year of more big changes, new adventures and stronger relationships.


September 10, 2012

Arizona, Spur ride, Rock Climbing (Oh My)

Hi ya'll!
 I can't believe it's been over a month since I last wrote on here. Oops! When I last checked in, this mama was practically in tears because my sweet lil' angel baby was eating solid foods for the first time.
Since then, she has moved into stage 2 foods, is drinking out of a sippy cup and snacking on yogurt melts and fruit puffs. Today she actually picked one up between her thumb and index finger and put it in her mouth! She wasn't even showing signs of thinking in that way last week!!
In the past month, Sugarcube went on her very first plane ride to see Grammy and Grampy "G" and her auntie Suzi in Phoenix, AZ. She did amazing expect for a little melt down on the way back home. I can't blame her, the pressure was even getting to me!

We had such a fun relaxing time! My favorite times was when we took trips to Flag Staff. So pretty! It's as beautiful as Washington but only the sun shines all the time;)

 Grammy "G" and Auntie Suzi made sure to get in lots of hugs and kisses,

 Which made Sugarcube really happy:)
 Sugarcube also went swimming for the first time in her very own blow up pool! She was such a natural and loved it! And I loved watching her:)

Upon returning home, Baby Girl and I had fun with daddy's company on our first Spur Ride!

 Mommy got to dress up in Daddy's ACU's, army crawl in the dirt, run tires, sprint, and shoot privates with Nerf guns, haha! It was an absolute blast:) I even learned how daddy clear a house before going in. There were a lot of steps to remember!

 Last weekend, we took Sugarcube on her first hike/rock climbing trip!

 It felt so good to get out into the fresh air with mountains, rivers and trees! This was kind of a test, to see how she'd do with a switch in schedule; Baby Girl had a blast and just babbled the entire time:)

 And even though she was away from her crib and didn't sleep much, she was still a very happy baby:)

 I got to try rock climbing for the first time and was hooked! I can't wait to get gear of my own so we can do this a lot more! 

 Having the right shoes makes a world of difference! The first time I went up, I was in my runners. That was VERY frustrating because I couldn't get any traction! Second time up, I borrowed some rock climbing shoes from a friend and had a much better experience:)
 R, on the other hand, did amazing--- Even with his runners on:) He's such a stud!
And that's pretty much the highlights of our month! Pretty fabulous month if you ask me. Not to mention, I've finally made it to my pre-pregnancy weight and clothes!!!! Yup, that happened last week. I am beyond excited about this! Next up is phase 2; tone that body!
 Here enters Shaun T and Insanity to save the day! I've already completed week 2, starting week 3 tomorrow. This is a super tough program but I'm already seeing awesome results and tone. Can't wait to see what 60 days will look like!
Has any of you ever tried Insanity? Did you finish? How did you like it?
I can't promise when I'll be back with another post. A lot of changes the next 2 months!!! I need to blog about them!!! 
Hope y'all had a fabulous Labor Day weekend!!!