May 24, 2012

Goodbye Facebook!!!

I'm one hundred percent, officially over this chubby love nonsense...

This is seriously what I looked like in my second trimester at 15 weeks pregnant...

See...Wrong angle but same effect! *tear*

I love you so much little one but good grief, this weight loss thing is hard!

I pulled out P90x today and sailed gasped my way through 30 minutes of an hour workout. Sheesh! I had forgotten how brutal that Tony Horton is!!! This workout really makes you want to just curl into the fetal position, suck on your water bottle and call for your mama, haha!

I did an insane thing 7 days ago. Yes I'm counting...I TRIED to delete my Facebook account!! Like seriously tried but Facebook wouldn't let me...It kept saying that my password was incorrect...After the 100th time of angrily keying in the password, I gave up and just decided to take a hiatus from the time trap. Why do this, you might ask? Well, mostly for personal reasons...At the time, I was feeling emotionally unstable. Like EVERYTHING in my life was falling apart. I didn't  realize my monthly visitor was literally a day away and wrecking havoc on my poor fragile emotions;) Give me a break, it's been close to a year since my last run in with the witch, lol! However, after struggling to NOT login for 7 days (which I've failed) I decided that I will use my obvious addiction to Facebook to loose this weight!

The goal is to not post one picture, status update or comment until I have reached my first weight goal of 140 lbs. That means I have my work cut out for me because that is a 20 lb loss, ekk! After that, I will then have only 14 lbs to loose before I look like this again!
All 126 lbs of the old, glorious me!
I figured breaking this weight down into increments of 20 might work better then looking at the whole HUGE ugly picture;)

I do realize a lot of you are probably thinking and saying...Will she ever stop bitching about this weight ALL READY! Hahaha!!!! But I have new followers! They might do me a solid and listen/tolerate my whining for a bit longer. Heehee:)

Wish me luck y'all! I'm feeling some Facebook fever coming on....It's seriously worse then a craving for something bad!!!

May 20, 2012

My Bitter Sweet June

Next month is going to be happy and sad in the Baby "G" household---

 Sad, because my love is headed to California for a 3 week deployment training...Sigh.  And to make that worse, they are not allowed to have their phones for the first 2 weeks, ick! I guess I should look at this like a trial run for the real thing, huh? I mean, he can't exactly be running practice missions, or real missions for that matter, and be texting his wife...I get it---It still didn't help the moment of panic knowing that I'll be a single mom for 3 weeks! 

But now for the MEGA HAPPY part! A visit from my sister Autumn and younger brother Brian!!!Their flying in from Tennessee, for a week long visit the later part of June!

Sissy-poo is also bringing my adorable niece and nephew with her!

These kids are seriously the sweetest and I can't wait to snuggle their necks!
It'll be so good seeing them again. The last time I saw everyone, I was 20 weeks pregnant and very tired. While I still look 20 weeks pregnant, haha, I'm not so tired this time around and they have our little Sugarcube to meet!

 We're planning an over night trip to the Pacific Ocean to start, which couldn't come at a better time because this Mama is feeling very house bound and in dire need of a time out--

 Do any of my readers know of a good beach town on the shores of Washington/Oregon to stay at? I'm kind of leaning towards Cannon Beach, Oregon so that we'll be close enough to visit the Tillamook cheese factory. I used to live in Oregon and this was a tradition of my dad's, every time we went. Gotta keep up the traditions! I'm also a huge cheese fan and it doesn't hurt that they have handmade ice cream and fudge there! Oh my gosh, all bad for you which will most certainly keep me looking like my current self but SO GOOD!

The over all plan is to just have fun and enjoy the visit. But if anyone had suggestions on things to do in the Tacoma/Seattle area, except for the whole Pikes market scene, I would be all ears! I continue to tell people  "We're still new here" but I guess that's not entirely true. I counted down the months we've been in Washington on my hand the other day and I was shocked to find we've been here 9 months!!! It's definitely time to start exploring and making this place feel less foreign;)   

P.s Happy 200th Post To Me!

May 19, 2012

Threaded Comments

Sorry for all the "Test" posting---

I've been so jealous of the new blogger feature, threaded commenting, that I've seen a lot of you sporting. You look so modern and fancy! I just had to have it too---

However, I couldn't seem to activate the feature because of my customized template, Boo! But I didn't give up--- after 5+ hours, it paid off and I too am modern and fancy with threaded commenting. Yippie!!!

I don't know about you, but I just shake in my little ol' boots every time I have to mess with HTML coding, but I knew I had to pull my big girl pants up and do this one. I NEED THREADED COMMENTING. This is going to make replying to y'all, whom I adore, much easier! Please tell me that y'all get notified when I reply through threaded comments? Otherwise, this is defeating the purpose as to why I installed it. I want to interact with my readers more. Be a better responder. I hope this works.

So go forth and comment!


May 18, 2012

I'll Be Frank

This was GOING to be a post where I release all of my randomness. I've also seen it written as a brain dump, but instead, I think it's time I come clean. Stand up like the adult I am and admit I have a problem.... 
She's taken to the drink folks! That's right. I've resorted to drinking and I wish I liked it better then I do. And we ARE talking about alcohol here... Some of you newer followers are probably thinking Wait, doesn't she have a breastfeeding infant at home? And the answer is without a doubt, yes!

 Breastfeeding a 3 month old who is demanding more then what I'm making, is driving me crazy with stress...And this is where I come clean...No, I'm not drinking because I'm stressed but because it's supposed to increase your milk supply.

I love play on words, hee hee--- Anyway, before you ask, yes I've taken almost everything there is out there i.e Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, Mothers Milk Tea, More Milk Plus drops, Oatmeal which I'm currently still on, Raspberry tea, and now beer...

I drink half a Samuel Adams after my last feeding of the night which gives my body plenty of time to process the alcohol out of the milk. It seems to be helping but the problem lye's in the fact that, I HATE BEER! I'm a wine and hard liquor kinda girl, ha! So I went to my best friend "Google" and asked what was it about beer that increased breastmilk production. It's the HOPS folks. So being the genius I am, I took my happy hiney down to our local Super Supplements and bought Hops pills. Should fix that! Here's to hoping because I dread the nightly beer...For all you beer drinkers, you probably think I nuts but the truth is I like those wimpy sugary drinks;)

I'm up for any other suggestions you've tried, that worked...Ya know, in case this genius idea flops and I have to revert back to my bag of tricks;)

I was going to write a bit more on this but Sugarcube is done with her tenth catnap of the day and is screaming at me through the monitor:) Isn't alcohol supposed to put them out??? I kid!

May 16, 2012

As I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Oh my gosh, are y'all ready for the big nursery reveal!!! I put so much creative energy and effort into this room; breathing life into something that I was so unsure of and had never done before. When I say "never done before" I COULD mean decorating a nursery, but what I really mean is--- I've never decorated a room before!!! Does this shock anyone?

My childhood was very mobile growing up. We had a different home twice a year and sometimes more then that. A lot like that of a Military brat, although my dad had let go of those years long before I came a long...

Some of our homes where VERY non conventional; a campground in the middle of winter, smelly old chicken coop where I slept on wooden church pews (don't laugh, it's true)  and even a small apartment above a pool hall, owned by two of the sweetest gay guys you want too meet. But that's here nor there. My point is, our homes were always changing. Never leaving time to really burro in and make it a Bonita casa. When we moved, it wasn't just across town most of the time but to another state. We would leave all our belongings, though few, behind only to collect new things in our new location. So you can understand that I just don't decorate because I could never keep it... 

Seriously, if you were to walk into my home, all you would see is white walls and the necessary furniture.

Okay, I might have a knickknack or two;)

So imagine my pride and joy at pulling this room off for Sugarcube. She LOVES it; that made all the effort and uncertainty of my creative talent worth while:) Without further chitter chatter I present


Yup, I painted that and it turned out better then I had hoped! My dad would be so proud him being the artist in the family:)

Can you believe I got this glider and ottoman for free! I love Craigslist!!!!

This is my favorite piece because I made it and it's got some pretty awesome memories hanging on it. That is the onesie Sugarcube came home in. Little did I know, it would fit the bird theme I would select for her room;) The wooden rattles were handmade and given to us over Christmas by her Grampa "G and the hat you might remember. It was the first one she ever wore, the day she was born!
Alyssa Quinn G born 2/12/2012

That picture was my great great great grandmothers. I asked for it after my grandmother passed away last year. I grew up looking at this picture hanging in her dining room and have loved it since I was a small child. It always made me feel so safe and comforted. Perfect for a nursery if you ask me:)

Simple lamp bought at Target; dressed up with a pack of buttons and green tissue paper!

 These are some of my favorites I've taken so far. It was hard to choose!!

Handmade bows intertwined with the button theme!

I would decorate every room with these! They're so fun and easy to make.

Scentsy, an awesome gift from her auntie Suzi!!! It smells so YUMMY---

Sorry this is so dark but I wanted to take a snap of when you walk into the room. The sun was really bright so the camera compensated:)
One of my fur babies, Piper, guarding the baby while she sleeps. Lord help the fool who tries to mess with my little one while Piper is around! She would have made a wonderful mother had we not gotten her snipped.

And I just had to throw in a picture of baby girl napping in her new digs:) Isn't the bedding just so cute! Pottery Barn Kids Rock but "OUCHIE" on the wallet!

 The transition from our room to her crib went really well and she is now sleeping in there full-time. She rests a great deal better on her mattress and seems happy in her new room. Her favorite decorations, so far, are the handmade pom poms above the glider. They catch her eye every time and holds her attention for several minutes!

I can tell she appreciates mommy's hard work which makes this even more amazing:)
I hope you enjoyed the reveal and of course, I'm going to be completely tacky here and say "let me know what you think!!!" LOL:) I live for your lovely comments. They are the bright spot in my day!

May 13, 2012

Perfect Day of Celebration

Today was absolutely gorgeous outside and really relaxing. A perfect first Mothers Day!

We started the festivities yesterday with a quick 2.5 hour drive to Portland, Oregon. Just a spontaneous road trip to enjoy the open road and to also ingest some glorious Voodoo doughnuts!!! A must if you've never been and are ever in the area! They have EVERY doughnut you could have dreamed up as a kid i.e a Captain Crunch doughnuts, Oreo doughnuts, Bubble Gum, and even some weird ones like Cayenne pepper doughnuts and maple bacon!!! Okay, I did not try the maple bacon, although R swears by it, however the Cayenne pepper one wasn't too bad!

Today I received the red carpet treatment, waking up to the hubby making waffles, bacon and coffee, num num... Some gorgeous flowers waiting for me on the kitchen table and then a 2 hour nap, baby duty free to just stretch, yawn and sleep....BEST GIFT YOU COULD EVER GIVE YOUR WIFE! Later, we Skyped with R's folks and sister, who I LOVE DEARLY, showing them the finished baby nursery! Be expecting that reveal next.

After feeding, bathing, changing and putting Alyssa down for the night, R surprised me with yet another cooked meal. Yummy grilled chicken, wild rice, roasted garlic potatoes and green bean medley....SO GOOD and better yet because I didn't have to cook it:) Today we renamed Mother's Day, "Parents Day" because R will be gone for the next two Fathers Days...Boo. Although, I have to say, R did a better job at spoiling me today then I him, lol. I had a hard time finding cards to give him from baby girl and I, so I got creative and revised some birthday cards:) We also bought him the traditional grill a few weeks back, which cooked my yummy chicken tonight:) Thank you shiny new grill!

I hope all of you new and seasoned moms had a wonderful day, full of spoiling! And "HI'OH to all my new followers! Thank you for taking the time to comment ♥ I will be making my way to your lovely blogs shortly!! Looking forward to knowing you! 


May 11, 2012

Military Spouse Appreciation Day Blog Hop!

Wow, logging onto Google Reader this morning, I found gobs upon gobs of y'all participating in the Military Spouse Appreciation Day Blog Hop, hosted by Riding the Roller Coaster and Household 6 Diva. So I just had to join the crazy fun! If your're not already apart of this, head on over via the links above and join in with me! Lets get to meetin peeps:)

This is me, Becca, the military spouse. I'm silly and fun, as you can probably tell! I wear flip flops year around and am addicted to lip gloss and speciality coffee.

And this is my husband a.k.a R, the soldier, property of Uncle Sam.

R and I met online the summer of 2003 while we were both living out our awesome early 20's in Alaska. He was stationed in Fairbanks and I was living in Anchorage, 365 miles away. Our first face to face didn't happen, however, until September of 07' after he'd returned stateside from 16 long months in Iraq. He opted for orders in Georgia so that we could finally and properly say "howdy" to one another and be closer; I was back at home, living in somewhere Tennessee at the time...

We said "I Do" in front of an intimate group of respected friends and family on December 27, 2008 sealing the deal as a military spouse. R was still stationed in Georgia at the time, so luckily I was only 350 miles away from family and could visit often. But that was then and this is now, where we're stationed in Ft. Lewis, Washington!! Things have changed so much in the time since we PCS'd here. A large part being the addition of this little lady!!!

February 12, 2012 we said "goodbye" to our life as a duo making it a trio! 

Say hello to Sugarcube a.k.a Alyssa Quinn G who will be turning 3 months on Mothers Day! Gosh, time needs to slow down... Life with this sweet one is amazing but not everyday is peaches and creams as I know all moms would agree. Being a parent is hard work y'all, but I love it! And it really is true, your own kid crying doesn't get on your nerves half as much as someone else's, haha! Truthfully, I CAN wait for the next nibblet to come along but definitely looking forward to when it's time to expand our little gang:)

We're supposed to keep this short so I end with, being a military spouse is hard work and should definitely be noted as such, but it can be a lot of fun to, if you let it! I see this life as an adventure. One that will end eventually when R retires, so why not enjoy it while I can! Yes, the moving, seeing new places, meeting new friends and finding new jobs etc...Stuff we all complain about and get tired of but I know my life will become the front porch, sipping sweet tea, watching the kids play scene soon enough:)

Feel free to stay a while, poke around and DEFINITELY say hello!

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! 

May 8, 2012

Making The Switch

Now that we are ninety percent done with Sugarcube's nursery, I'm starting to freak out a bit! This is really happening--- She's growing up. She'll no longer be in mommy and daddy's room, ekk!

 The first night we stayed in this new house, my husband set up the pack'n'play in her new room, which I asked him to, trying to appear like a brave mommy...However, fifteen minutes later, staring at her little snuggle nest in this sterile white room with no feel good sensations of coziness and comfort, I raced downstairs in a quiet panic, hugged my husbands arm and pathetically asked him to take down her bed (AGAIN) and find a place for it in our overly crowded room. We hadn't even put OUR bed up yet; the room was in such CRAZY disarray with boxes, bed frames and furniture sprawled out everywhere, but that awesome hubby of mine did it. He found a little nook for her to sleep in, which made me uber happy and in return, I SLEPT like a baby, ha!

Having her nursery almost done has me doubling back to that panicked, pathetic mom of two weeks ago. Sure, technically she doesn't NEED her window valance put up or the rest of her nicknack's displayed in order to be moved into her nursery BUT.... I keep telling myself that it'll feel more like a cozy room once those things are done and she won't feel like mommy and daddy abandoned near her as much, right???

And sure, she doesn't NEED pictures of her adorable face hanging from every wall before the move, but what if she NEEDS just one more week in our room? Yah know.... Just in case she suddenly develops breathing issues. What if she suddenly forgets to breath or worse, has muscle failure and can't lift her precious head from the mattress, to breath!!! 

I mean I'm already thinking of changing out her perfectly good audio monitor for one of those snazzy video do-dads. And not only that but also get one of those machines that sit (kinda creepily) under their crib to make sure they're breathing through the night. Surely you don't think I'm kidding! 

 And then there's the issue of---- things that go thump in the night---What if she has her first run in with the boogie man and mommy and daddy aren't there to save the day:(

R and I were talking in bed, last night, about the transition and how weird it's going to be having her out of our room; she'll be all the way upstairs while we're on the bottom floor, panic panic!!! He made a comment that involved the word "security" and I fired back,

 " I know! That's why I'm giving her another week. So she has more time to feel secure about this!"
He looks at me and says, " No, I meant security. As in intruders and possible harm."

OOOOOHH! Why did God make men and women so different...

I'll let you know how this goes but in the mean time, look at this precious little chunk "attempting" to nap in her new crib. Doesn't look to be too successful;)

Ahhhh, that's better baby girl:)

May 5, 2012

The Unthinkable...

Pretty much, the unthinkable just happened and I'm pissed! Well it's unthinkable if your a breastfeeding momma who struggles to build even just a few ounces of milk for your reserve, of late...

Sugarcube has been showing her "I love you Mommy" side by sleeping like such a big girl; 8 hours straight for 4 nights in a row! So naturally I wake up 4 hours into this awesome new sleeping schedule, engorged, needing to pump.

~I realize this next sentence is a run on, for all you grammar freaks~

Afterwards, sleepy ol' me goes and knocks over the bottle of much coveted liquid gold in my hurry to wash bottles and pumping items to get my cute mommy bunz back in the bed before the sleepies wore off.


I knew it was going to happen eventually---Spilt milk.


But then the next unthinkable thing happened. Well, more like something I NEVER thought I would do as a new mom.

~Run on sentence number 2~

I proceed to stand there with a hospital grade syringe trying to salvage the 2 ounces I carelessly fed to my VERY STERILE counter top at 4:00 in the morning, no less.

Blink, Blink....
I managed to save 1.5 ounces. So that's better then nothing;)

If you're already a breastfeeding mom, you're relating to me right this minute. I KNOW YOU ARE because we lactating moms go into crazy hulk mode when it comes to messing with our freezer stash. Am I right! I mean, that stash is our ticket to freedom from baby for a few hours!!! Without it, we are constantly attached at the hip to our lovable little chunks and as much as we love our babies, moms need a time out too---

So this is where I say "Goodnite" to y'all because I'm still sorta steaming over that last .5 of an ounce that my stupid syringe refused to suck up so I'm gonna go sleep it off, ha!

Run on sentance number 3; damn I'm good!

May 2, 2012

What A Month!

Oh my goodness, where does time go... This certainly isn't my first hiatus, nor will it be my last, but dang this past month if it hasn't been busy, busy, BUSY! A small recap---R and I attended my first military ball on March 30th and had a TOTAL BLAST!!! There's a few pictures below. R's best friend and brother from another mother came to visit from Vegas. We MOVED--- Yup, just 2 weekends ago we moved from our very tiny 1400 sqft home to a MUCH bigger and brighter 1900 sqft home, just a few miles down the street. I LOVE this new house; it was worth every grueling moment of sleep deprived sorting and packing:) Which means a baby nursery is under way! We've thrown multiple BBQ's. Celebrated R's birthday. Had date nights. Got word about R's deployment coming this fall, sigh...And of course baby girl has been in the middle of all this, so without any further delay....A baby update! 

Sugarcube has sailed past her 2 month mark ( panic panic) sitting at a comfortable 11 weeks. She had her 2 month well checkup on April 11th which went well. She is now 9 lbs 5 oz and  21.1 inches long putting her in the 60th percentile for her age. At her 2 week appointment she was only in the 19th percentile for height...She's a growin!!! She got only one vaccine this time (I opted out of the rest) but even just that one ticked her off to no end and broke my heart in between:(  

She is becoming such a little lady, showing mommy and daddy more personality everyday. She has finally gotten her night and days switched around (thank you Jesus) however, she has inherited her fathers love of 15 minute power naps, ick! So instead of a nice 2-3 hour nap during the day where mommy can sit down and blog, or get things done around the house like---- FINISHING HER NURSERY, I bob and weave in and out of our bedroom all day trying to get her cranky butt to sleep more. She doesn't want to participate but I love her to piece anyhow;) I am thankful that she's been sleeping a solid 6 hours a night for the past week though. Lets hope that sticks!

And because we finally have an extra room in this new house to give Sugarcube her own little space--- Here's a sneak peek of her nursery! Just because y'all are so FABULOUS!

That is 100% free handed peeps! I am so happy with the out come so far and cannot wait for her crib to arrive so I can dress it with her uber cute bedding from Pottery Barn Kids!!! That place is ridiculous expensive---

Okay, back to the cuteness! Baby girl continues to give those, around her, heart stopping adorable smiles and coos.

She finds different sounds everyday and sadly, seems to be starting the process of teething. I have barely caught up on my own sleep and recovery. I'm not ready for this, lol!

Breastfeeding is still going well. It seems we're settling into a nice groove. I cannot believe that I've made it this far! I haven't been without my troubles though. I've dealt with a mild case of mastitis (ouch) several plugged milk ducts (OUCHIE) and in the beginning, I definitely had my share of pain and soreness. As cute as my daughter is, I hated the mere thought of putting her cute little puckers anywhere near these milkers, ha!

I have learned a very important survival tip that I'll share with you. If you're not concerned about nipple confusion and have a pump readily available, feed your little one a BOTTLE of expressed milk around bedtime because it does wonders to encourage those longer hours of sleep during the night! And what new momma doesn't need all the sleep she can get;)

And here we are all dressed in our Sunday best; military ball 2012!

Got my hairs curled!!!

Please excuse all this love able gooey'ness, ick! I just hate pictures with me in them right now but I  do love that I went and have a few photos to remember the night by.  We had an AMAZING night out together. Lots of long over due couple time and genuine laughter. I had pumped enough ahead of time to enjoy a few drinks and boy did I enjoy them;) Thanks again to my wonderful sis for the night out!!!

Speaking of gooey'ness--- I am still here; all 160-164 lbs of that post pregnancy me! Whoever said that breastfeeding skyrocketed your weight loss after birth, totally lied. I've been so disappointed with the LACK of weight loss, no matter what I do. I can eat like a piggie pie or starve myself (which I have) and that stupid scale remains the same...I continue to shrink in circumference though, so I guess that's a plus...I believe it's just from things tightening and shifting back into place because it certainly isn't from weight loss. I'm hoping that the weight will be easier to loose once I stop being the dinner bell for my sweet one. I think my body just feels the need to be this heavy in order to maintain a healthy milk supply. At least I tell myself that and I also tell myself that once I quit, this weight will happily skip and hop off my cellulite riddled ass, yes?

I'm not going to promise that I'll get any better at this blogging thing in the weeks to come. I mean this post alone has taken me 4 days to write--- I pump once in the middle of night so I take that time to write a bit each time... So yeah, I do not promise this update to be free of grammar errors, misspelled words or incoherent sentences. I didn't take the time to proof read this. Why? Because-------------------------- WHO HAS TIME TO PROOF READ WITH AN 11 WEEK OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do promise, however, to return with a NEW HOUSE post as well as with a nursery reveal and to talk about R's up coming deployment. Don't worry, all OPSEC guidelines will be followed;)

Ta'Ta for now Chica's!!!!! Baby girl is starting to stir ♥